Awake, sleeper!

the musings of I. Matilda Rhodes

  • Mythbuters 1: There’s NO Party in Hell

    The longer I have been following Christ, the more I have noticed that our culture has effected the beliefs of Christians and non-believers alike in regard to the Scripture and facts. Think about it, how many times have you heard, “Well, the Bible says . . . ” and later find out that the statement…

  • Disobedience Yields Discontent but Obedience Yields Power

    So. I have been disobedient. And I have been discontent. I have no reasons to whine. I live in a “nice” house that needs some updating. All of my adult children are gainfully employed. I have healthy grandchildren. I am in relatively good health and what ails me could be corrected by exercise and diet….

  • Times Change, People Don’t . . . Do They?

    Did your parents ever say that to you? Am I the only one, who heard that explanation for why I couldn’t do something that “everybody else” was doing? “Times change, people don’t” was the reason I couldn’t dress a certain way; the reason I couldn’t go certain places in the company of certain people at…

  • Seeking Him

    I’ve spent a long time not seeking Him. I’ve been struggling, whining, whipped, wasting that gift of time and abundant life. I’ve been trying to figure out how to do what everyone else wants and what I want, too; rather than focusing on what HE says to do. I make a few strides forward and…

  • Time Is A Gift Giver

    I keep seeing social media posts tagged, “Time is a Thief!” Frankly, this irks me. A lot. Time, a thief? I have noticed that usually this phrase is accompanied by pictures of growing children, or loved ones grown old. But, I ask myself, how does this make time a thief? We can’t stop time, but…

  • May 29, 2023 Memorial Day

    I got a present today. The computer I am using to write this. I cried. It seems particularly appropriate, considering the goal for this blog. The aim is to build up the ancient memorials established for God. Memorials to truth, justice and righteousness. Time to awake, sleepers, to what is truly happening in our world;…